Smile baby, shit is not that deep ….

So, we are live, up and running baby! I could not be more excited to share my third post with you all, so let us get right into it…
My home truth today will be following on from my ‘Letting Go’ piece, we need to focus on feeling good right now. Now I am not in no perfect world, nor am I in some fairyland dreaming but sometimes, if not most, this world can really bring you down and as humans we forget to UPLIFT each other but most importantly we forget to UPLIFT OURSELVES!
Simple things can change the projection of your day, like waking up saying ‘Thank you’, checking up on your peoples, making sure they are straight, creating a meal, opening a window, playing your favourite playlist and SMILING. We must encourage our souls to do this every day.
Now we may wake up to a bad dream, bad news, an awful text, a dreading email, a missed phone call that we do NOT want to return. We need to accept that pain, that fear, that anxiousness because it is a part of our day, our experience, it is a part of our lessons. The push-backs we create on to ourselves in burying these negative moments stop us from moving forward, stop us from thinking clearly and can harmfully impact our decision making.
This morning I had a cheeky little listen to Maze & Frankie Beverly – Before I let go (cheeky, because its Ramadan and I should be refraining from music, but we move and try again) I recommend you all to listen to this song, it’s a jazzy love song with a soulful rendition about the idea of being at peace, real peace with letting go once you know (whatever that may mean to you)
I wish peace to you all, I know each and every one of us, through bettering our souls, can add value to this beautiful world we live in, try it today, feel good, let go and make It a part of your every day schedule …
Yours truly,
HiddenVoices – HV