We all do it, we all forget, get busy, deal with our own sadness, successes, situations.
I hear many teachings and motivational quotes regarding the importance of self-confidence, self-love, living for you, the focus of making YOUR day better. I am here for it! All true, for a better you results in better actions, a greater mindset. But with this message I feel some people may lose sight of the bigger picture…
We must not become so self-obsessed that we forget others. Let’s be real, we all have 24 full hours in the day and I am sure we all hold other positions in life than just living for us; for example we may be a sibling, a parent, a child, a teenager, a worker. We must focus on ALL these roles because it is a part of US. I mean how long have you spent on social media today, I’ll share my time if you share yours, and it is not pretty. My point is WE GOT TIME.
Let us use our time wisely, it takes 15 seconds minus thinking time, to write up a text, record a voice note or be a helping hand (this may take longer but so what). That 15 seconds (or more) creates a warm feeling of being appreciated, remembered & loved. With the amount of expenses, we all pay in this world reaching out or helping someone in need must be the cheapest of them all.
Story time: In 2018 I went back to visit the motherland, spent time with my grandparents and re kindled relationships with people I had not seen since I was 16 years old, 2010. 8 years was a long time away from my family, but it was like we never spent a day apart even people I met for the first time felt like friends. I had the best experience and promised myself I would not spend that long away from them again.
I vowed to connect with them all through social media (which I did), be proactive on Whats App and message them. This was easy at first. Then the bustling streets and schedules of my London life made It difficult for me to stay true to that promise. Sadly, at the beginning of 2020 I lost someone very close to me, who I became closer with during my trip in 2018, a person I promised to stay in touch with and message. I did, at first but it was minimal because of this I did not know they were suffering because I did not reach out enough.
I know she did not feel any type of way for my lack of contact, but I did. I learnt that reaching out is just as beneficial for the doer as it is to the receiver. It may be the last gesture of love you give or receive.
On either end its important, its simple, its love and its needed.
Yours truly,
HiddenVoices – HV