It is towards the end of a very beautiful & spiritual month called Ramadan, and todays blog is inspired by taking each learning from this month and relaying it to my present.
My initial reaction coming into the last days has been happiness, I mean I missed my morning teas/coffee’s and the odd Fanta fruit twist or Lucozade during the day. But this year I feel sadness too. A lot of people only see the struggle of Ramadan, the usual ‘no water or food?’ questions occur every year which I am not surprised about, I mean the idea is hard to understand let alone do for 19 hours of the day. But it is more than the deprivation of food or liquids, we do this in order to understand the less fortunate but to also cleanse our souls from the luxuries of life, to be closer to god, to use our energy and focus on the teachings of Islam, gain closure from past mistakes, build new opportunities, help others, pray for forgiveness and be closer with loved ones present and the ones that have passed through prayer.
2020 Ramadan has had its downsides due to social distancing gathering at mosques for prayer or breaking fasts with family have been taken out of the celebrations of the month. With that being said, I feel it has been my best month. During the pandemic and Ramadan, I have learnt that time is an element we do not control, it is a gift we forget to celebrate. Fortunately, I have made it to see and complete another sacred journey which many sadly have not being able to, and although it has not been the same, it is always a blessing because I have been awake, breathing, learning and trying.
Embracing the present is crucial if you really want to live. I feel we may not always do that. Sometimes we get derailed and place all our energy on building a better future, whether that be saving, preparing, or constantly thinking, that we forget to focus our energy on the present. By doing this we miss days and miss time.
I am thankful to make it to the end of Ramadan. I will miss every morning I could not eat and every night I prayed with a bloated stomach due to stuffing my face quickly. With that being said, I will take each lesson I have learnt, each scripture I have read and laughs I have shared and incorporate it to my new day. I will always remember to go to bed reminiscing on my day and embrace each feeling I felt as I may not live to feel it again.
This piece is not about what you believe in, it is about embracing your present with the same energy you do when visualising and planning your future. Till next time Insha’Allah, I will miss you Ramadan.
Your truly,
HiddenVoices – HV